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Year 6

The Academy is proposing the following variations to the current Admissions Arrangements and the Admissions Policy for 2023-24. 


  • Inclusion of variations required consequential to the publication of the School Admission Code September 2021.
  • Please note the above should also be considered part of our admissions policy effective from 1/11/2021.

Admission Policy 2023

Ditton Park Academy is an independent, state funded school which has an agreed Published Admissions Number of 180 per year for admission into Year 7 from 2015 and shall admit up to this number each year. All applicants will be admitted if fewer than 180 applications are received. Where the school receives more applications for Year 7 than it has places available the criteria listed below will apply.

Admissions Criteria

Children with a statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) where Ditton Park Academy is named on the statement must, by law, be admitted to Ditton Park Academy.

After this requirement has been met, places will be allocated in line with the following objective over-subscription criteria in this order:

  • Any request for the allocation of a place for children looked after or formerly looked after (1) by the Local Authority and adopted children who were formerly looked after by the Local Authority will be admitted next.
  • Children with a strong social or medical reason. This must be supported by written evidence from a professional such as a doctor or social worker involved in the case and must demonstrate why the school is the only one which the child can attend as a result of the social and/or medical need.
  • Siblings of children who will be attending the school in the year of admission i.e. brothers or sisters including step, adopted or foster brothers or sisters living in the same family unit at the time when the child would be due to start at the school.

1. Note: ‘‘children looked after’’ by the Local Authority are those who are (a) in the care of a Local Authority or (b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions (See Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989.

  • Children of Ditton Park Academy staff who have been in post for at least two years at the time of the application and / or have been recruited to fill a vacant post in a demonstrable skill shortage area.
  • Distance from the school measured by a straight line measured from the main on street entrance of the child’s home (whether that be front gate or front door) to the main gate of the school using GIS software.

The final criteria (distance) will always be utilised in the event of a tie-breaker. In the case of flats or multiple-occupancy measurement will be taken from the main entrance of the building. If this results in a tie, places will be allocated randomly and this process will be overseen by an independent body other than Ditton Park Academy.

Where the application of oversubscription criteria would result in splitting children with either the same birth dates or children born in the same academic year from the same family, then places will be offered even if this will result in the school going above its admission number.

Please use the following link to access Slough's online admissions page:

admissions online